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Användarnamn pollux
Land Sweden
Roll Member
Senaste inloggad för ungefär 9 år sedan
Blev medlem för ungefär 9 år sedan

My name is Niklas, I am 20 years old and live in Sweden. I recently started playing CS:GO after my friend introduced me to it. This is my first ever FPS game on PC, for many years I've been playing Xbox at a competitive level and now I want to try the same with Counter-Strike. My current goal on CS:GO is to try climb as high as I possibly can, I know I'm definitely not the best player but while facing people that are better than me I can only learn and hopefully be as good as them myself one day. Winning is earning, losing is learning. ^_^


pollux Tre Vise Männen


pollux har ännu inte spelat några solo-turneringar